Weather balloon data backs up missing decline found in old magazine

Weather balloon data backs up missing decline found in old magazine“. Anthony Watts really latched onto that 1976 National Geographic illustration! Here are some fresh accusations of “funny business” based on weather balloon data.

Weather balloon data is something that, shockingly, climate scientists evidently never considered. Not. We’ll let this meme run for a bit and try to remember to come back with an update on the conclusion.

1 thought on “Weather balloon data backs up missing decline found in old magazine

  1. On, Dr Gavin Schmidt left this comment when someone asked about the topic. I hope he doesn’t mind my re-posting it here:

    “Response: Is it conceivably possible that data from thousands of weather stations and ocean records which have been carefully corrected to account for jumps in instrumentation, stations moves, biases derived from dozens of independent databases might just give slightly different results than a splice of European and US station averages with a compilation of 63 uncorrected radio-sonde stations? Maybe, just maybe…. – gavin]”

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