Climate Change and the Corruption of Science: Where did it all go wrong?

Climate Change and the Corruption of Science: Where did it all go wrong?. Christmas Guest pudding from Bernie Lewin. Apparently Global Warming is just a way to use apocalyptic scenarios to generate social panic and maintain political power. And the scientists all jumped onboard because they like the attention.

So all the denialist rants about conspiracies, lying scientists, and impending secret world governments is just a rational response?

That’s funny, cause I thought the fundamental basis for Global Warming denialism was right-wing interests exploiting paranoia over perceived threats to autonomy to protect their own power.

1 thought on “Climate Change and the Corruption of Science: Where did it all go wrong?

  1. I’m ashamed to say that I live in the same part of the world as the writer of this puff piece (I’ve never heard of him). Living in Victoria, Australia, the writer has just witnessed the longest hottest drought, with more large bushfires than ever before, followed this past year by record rain events (heavier downfalls than ever before recorded with serious flooding), all as predicted by climate scientists, yet is still trying to argue that climate change is not happening and the scientists are phonies.

    A most serious case of deniosauritis.

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