Jury finds in favor of Michael Mann in defamation lawsuit against Mark Steyn, Rand Simberg

Well isn’t this post on wattsupwiththat.com enlightening? Renowned climate scientist Michael Mann has prevailed in his decade-long defamation suit against unqualified climate denialists Mark Steyn and Rand Simburg.

I had to laugh at the screenshot above, trying to imply with the “Climate Ugliness” tag that the jury was a bunch of dumbasses (thanks A.I. for inventing the 13 member jury!). Of course the reality is that Steyn and Simburg were the horn-squeezing clowns here, smearing Mann with invented suggestions of pedophilia (a Penn State football coach was convicted of sexually assaulting children, that dastardly Penn State scientist MUST have the same morals!!!) This classic ad hominem was always the true, malicious, “climate ugliness”.

Mark Steyn and Rand Simburg thought they could win through class clown strutting and repeating their idiot “climate science” claims rather than proving their defamatory statements were justified. Spoiler Alert: hoping to trigger a truculent MAGA jurist was a looooong shot, but these two clowns were always playing to their own audience of ignorant zealots.

More chuckles:

  • Steyn admitted that he had not read Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’ paper before emphatically rejecting it. He “did not appraise [himself] of the details of [the] American investigations before I wrote my entirely truthful piece.”
  • Similarly, Simburg hadn’t read Mann’s two reports on the hockey stick graphs before accusing Mann of scientific misconduct.
  • Also, Mann was a “vanity plaintiff” and a “humbug with no case.” There’s the burn!