Jury finds in favor of Michael Mann in defamation lawsuit against Mark Steyn, Rand Simberg

Well isn’t this post on wattsupwiththat.com enlightening? Renowned climate scientist Michael Mann has prevailed in his decade-long defamation suit against unqualified climate denialists Mark Steyn and Rand Simburg.

I had to laugh at the screenshot above, trying to imply with the “Climate Ugliness” tag that the jury was a bunch of dumbasses (thanks A.I. for inventing the 13 member jury!). Of course the reality is that Steyn and Simburg were the horn-squeezing clowns here, smearing Mann with invented suggestions of pedophilia (a Penn State football coach was convicted of sexually assaulting children, that dastardly Penn State scientist MUST have the same morals!!!) This classic ad hominem was always the true, malicious, “climate ugliness”.

Mark Steyn and Rand Simburg thought they could win through class clown strutting and repeating their idiot “climate science” claims rather than proving their defamatory statements were justified. Spoiler Alert: hoping to trigger a truculent MAGA jurist was a looooong shot, but these two clowns were always playing to their own audience of ignorant zealots.

More chuckles:

  • Steyn admitted that he had not read Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’ paper before emphatically rejecting it. He “did not appraise [himself] of the details of [the] American investigations before I wrote my entirely truthful piece.”
  • Similarly, Simburg hadn’t read Mann’s two reports on the hockey stick graphs before accusing Mann of scientific misconduct.
  • Also, Mann was a “vanity plaintiff” and a “humbug with no case.” There’s the burn!

Climate Clash: Aussie Senator Malcolm Roberts Owns TV Physicist Brian Cox

“Climate Clash: Aussie Senator Malcolm Roberts Owns TV Physicist Brian Cox” (2016-08-16). In which Anthony Watts’ stand-in Eric Worrall trumpets racist Australian science-denier Senator Malcolm Roberts getting laughed at as a triumph. Perhaps that’s as good as it gets for denialists these days?

Strange that Senator Roberts, who Worrall boasts has “expert knowledge of climate datasets” is unaware that the raw temperature datasets have been available for decades and that they closely mirror the maliciously falsified corrected-for-station-errors version.

Senator Roberts is (was?) part the loopy Galileo Movement (because they, and only they, are as s.m.r.t and insightful as that old Italian). He wants to ban muslim clothing and put surveillance cameras in mosques and has alluded to both UN and jewish world conspiracies. Damn, I picking him next time I play Denialist Bingo!

Here are a couple of amusing links:

Members quitting the American Meteorological Society over stance on climate

Members quitting the American Meteorological Society over stance on climate (2013-06-21). “This can’t be good” says Anthony Watts. Everyone’s quitting the American Meteorological Society because it’s an oppressive, dogma driven, anti-science organization! Global Warming is over!

Anthony knows this because renowned climate scientist Steve Milloy brought it to his attention. Steve Milloy is a Fox News commentator who runs junkscience.com (no, he’s not self-aware enough to know that his URL describes what he does) along with a variety of related political front organizations.

So, how many gullible meteorologists are left in that decrepit society? Three down, 13,997 to go. This is what Anthony wants us to think is denialist momentum?

What outrageous lies are the henchmen at the AMS trying to pass off as science? Here’s a taste:

There is unequivocal evidence that Earth’s lower atmosphere, ocean, and land surface are warming; sea level is rising; and snow cover, mountain glaciers, and Arctic sea ice are shrinking. The dominant cause of the warming since the 1950s is human activities. This scientific finding is based on a large and persuasive body of research. – Climate Change: An Information Statement of the American Meteorological Society

Oh, that’s the same thing that literally every international scientific organization says. They’re all in on it! Watts & Co. demand to see every single member’s signature or the S.O.s are all lying, natch.

Remember when Anthony claimed that elderly Hal Lewis quitting the American Physical Society was on the scale of Martin Luther, nailing his 95 theses to the Wittenburg church door? That turd sank pretty quickly too.

The only dissenting voice in the comments, “jai mitchell” found himself under “moderation” (meaning blocked) after a torrent of hostility and attempted intimidation.

Announcement: WUWT-TV to counter Al Gore’s ’24 Hours of Climate Reality’ with live webcast

“Announcement: WUWT-TV to counter Al Gore’s ’24 Hours of Climate Reality’ with live webcast” (2012-10-29). Another day, another grandiose proclamation from Anthony Watts. Just last Friday we were told to brace ourselves for “a major announcement” and here it is! Gasp in amazement! Tremble in awe!

Turns out that Anthony merely got wind of Algore’s latest evil scheme – “another transparent attempt to link climate and weather”, which apparently have nothing to do with each other – and he’s banged together a counterattack.

Remember Al Gore’s 24 Hours of Climate Reality last year, which worked Anthony into yet another state of anoxia because it used video production techniques? (Sort of like everything ever produced by professionals.) Anthony ain’t gonna stand for it when Gore presents a “Dirty Weather Telethon” next month.

Anthony knew our minds would be blown if we weren’t given a chance to brace ourselves, hence the 72 hour notice. But here it is: the Koch Brothers bought him a webcam and he’s going to do a webcast! You know it’s PRO because he’s even got PowerPoint and a “clicker”. And it’s called “WUWT-TV”. Almost all of his denialist attention-hound buddies will be firing up Skype so they can blink and cough in the guest window. Denialism’s Who’s Who, ranging from Ross McKitrick (not a climate scientist) to Senator Jim Inhofe (not even faintly a scientist)  to morris dancer Screaming Lord Sutch Lord Monckton (not a scientist, period).

I know Anthony’s puffed-up “major announcement” is just bog-standard web seminar stuff, even though he claims to have “engineered a remote ‘clicker’ that allows guest presenters to control the presentation from their end”, but it will be Community Access comedy gold. Just watch your data cap Anthony, I’d hate to see that Tip Jar get sucked dry.

Since Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on New York City while Anthony spouts his feeble “weather” misdirection, I’ll link to this Climate Progress post:

Atlantic City successfully adapts to climate change, October 29th, 2012. – Climate Progress

The Anatomy of a Global Warming Smear

The Anatomy of a Global Warming Smear” (2012-02-18). ¡Aycaramba! Anthony Watts desperately posts fellow Heartland Institute funding recipient Alan Caruba’s full-on rant about climate science, apparently triggered by the Heartland Institute document leak. Also, he hates the New York Times.

Here’s some nuance for ya:

Suffice to say, the “climate science” served up by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been a pack of lies from the day it first convened.

Sing it brother! What next?

Next to oxygen, CO2 is vital to all life on Earth as it sustains all vegetation which in turn sustains every creature that depends on it as a source of food.

I guess as a good environmentalist I should rush outside and pant on some shrubs.

Thousands of scientists have signed petitions denouncing global warming as a hoax.

If you’re gonna stay stupid things like that someone should tell you about the internet. Your wannabe petitions were all fake petitions packed with unqualified names.

There’s a reason the theme of Heartland’s sixth conference in 2011 was “Restoring the Scientific Method.”

Cute misspelling of “undermining”.

2012-05-22 update: After much caterwauling by the Heartland Institute about forgeries and the shameful behavior of nasty warmists, the true conclusion can be drawn: “Peter Gleick cleared of forging documents in Heartland expose

I’ve been Lenfesteyed

I’ve been Lenfesteyed (2012-01-03). Anthony Watts thinks the only remedy needed for people who disagree with his version of science and politics is to just change the radio station when a partisan “radio personality” starts regurgitating Anthony’s lies.

Yes, as long as Anthony’s misinformation isn’t heard by me it will have no consequence.

Anthony pretends he’s laughing off James Lenfestey’s January 2nd commentary (“The state of fear at the new year“) in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, but he has to go completely off-topic to find something irrelevant to attack his critic with. James writes poetry! (Note to commenter “Chris Smith” this is an actual example of ad hominem.)

Lord Monckton, who positively lives for strutting about and stirring things up, has also decided to respond. He’s sent a weaselly letter to the paper containing his usual collection of debunked assertions that he simply expects will not be checked before publication. I howled at his characterization of Professor John Abraham’s truly epic take-down of Monckton’s presentation at Bethel University as a “driveling attempted rebuttal of it by a non-climatologist at a local bible college”. That’s the sign of a puffed-up poser who knows he’s been publicly thrashed. The references to the usual tiny circle of denialist personalities and “supporting links” to his denialist scienceandpublicpolicy.org website and Ken Cuccinelli’s shameful legal assault on Dr. Michael Mann are weak tea indeed.

Anthony and Lord Monckton, face it: Being invoked by an ignorant blow-hard partisan talk-show host is the pinnacle of your achievements.

Some reactions to the CLOUD experiment

Some reactions to the CLOUD experiment” (2011-08-25). Strangely Anthony Watts’ selection of “reactions” to the preliminary results of CERN’s CLOUD experiment are all denialist or sympathetic. “Some” means “the ones we like” I guess. Just another day in Anthony’s cramped mind…

BREAKING NEWS – CERN Experiment Confirms Cosmic Rays Influence Cloud Seeds

BREAKING NEWS – CERN Experiment Confirms Cosmic Rays Influence Cloud Seeds” (2011-08-24). Anthony Watts tells the world that a cosmic ray experiment at CERN (“CLOUD“) proves that global warming is all because of cosmic rays! Thus ending global warming once and for all. The AGW theory is “dented”!

Anthony’s analysis consists pasting in a biased interpretation by the Global Warming Policy Foundation’s elderly denialist, and Henrik Svensmark pal, Nigel CalderHenrik Svensmark is the widely discounted proponent of galactic cosmic rays as the source of all climate change.

Hmmm… Could it be true that “CERN Experiment Confirms Cosmic Rays Influence Climate Change”?

Well, maybe cosmic rays contribute to ionization, but the experiment being hailed by denialists only detected events at scales too small to trigger droplet formation. Sadly, historical climate change patterns also show no correlation at all with cosmic rays. So… maybe not.

Want to read something intelligent on the matter? Try Real Climate’s post “The CERN/CLOUD results are surprisingly interesting…” There’s certainly more to learn from this experiment.

Tornado season update

Tornado season update (May 23rd, 2011). Extreme weather events have nothing to do with climate change, right Anthony Watts? Well, maybe not individual events, but 2011 has been a bit… unusual. Anthony blandly natters on about tornado ratings and historical examples. More people have died in past extreme tornadoes. Nothing to see here folks, move along!

April tornado frequency. Not a hockey stick! From Open Mind.

I guess “the deadliest single tornado to strike the U.S. since modern tornado recordkeeping began in 1950” last Sunday in Joplin, Mo. is just an example of how people will “adapt” to (hell, embrace) warmer climates. 116 dead and counting. The dogmatic denialist rejection of risk and refusal to take responsibility for their obstructionism is why I work to expose their dishonesty and amorality.

People adapting to climate change? Photo of Joplin, Mo. by Aaron Fuhrman.

Oh noes! Sea level rising three times faster than expected (again)

Oh noes! Sea level rising three times faster than expected (again). (May 2, 2011) Anthony Watts tells us that a Danish newspaper article about sea-level rise is another crazy warmist exaggeration. How can expected sea-level rise suddenly be three times higher than earlier predictions? Also, the article photo has a funny-looking foreigner wearing a beret in it. Chuckle with superiority and don’t think about it too much I guess.

The Danish newspaper article (Anthony apparently follows Azerbaijan news closely, as that’s what he links to) says:

Sea levels were estimated to rise between 0.9 and 1.6 metres by the year 2100 according to the findings by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), cited by Danish daily Politiken, DPA reported.

These are not new numbers. When a newspaper covers this topic these estimates will be present as even Anthony’s 2009 Google search screen capture shows. The IPCC 2007 Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) estimate of 0.3m to 0.9m has long been considered too cautious. Perhaps Anthony thinks that newspapers should only write about something once? He’s free to repeat his misinformation ad nauseam though I guess, because he digs straight in and sticks to a favorite theme.

Anthony’s rebuttal is to talk about the rate of current sea-level rise (what, it’s rising? Oops) while pretending to disprove predicted sea-level rise by 2100. Just one of the many dull-witted misdirections he’s been performing for years. Unfortunately it only works for heads already bouncing up and down in agreement.

Anthony turns to his sea-level citizen-scientist, Willis Eschenbach, for what passes for confirmation (yes, my eyes roll too when I see that name). OMG it’s true, sea-level rise probably isn’t accelerating at the moment! In fact if you cross your eyes and decide that two years is a meaningful period of time, you can even pretend it’s sort of slowing down. Global warming, which wasn’t happening, is over! Stock up on blankets and woolly socks!

A plot of sea-level rise anomaly, not sea-level.

Of course sea-level is still, you know, rising.